Venezuelan Oil Company Helps USA's Poor While USA Oil Companies Give Nothing

According to Joe Kennedy almost half a billion dollars have come from CITGO, a Venezuelan oil company, to help the poor but NOTHING from US oil companies.

The US Federal Government has given money for energy assistance but it was not enough.  CITGO did not cut back its help for the US poor despite political tension with Venezuela this winter as seen in this report from WCVBtv of Boston.

Another TV channel has also reported on this program for the needy:

This leads me to ask simple, straight-forward questions here:

1)     Where is the patriotism of CEOs in charge of US oil companies?  To quote another Kennedy, "my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country".  If they do not help their own compatriots, are they really American?

2)     Why is it possible for a foreign company to be humane towards the needy people of another country?
3)     How is it possible a foreign company is more humane to the citizens of a country than the country's own companies?

These are questions you will not find in corporate-owned US media.