DIY Project: 20 Ways To Save Energy At Home

"20 Ways to Use Energy Smartly
The energy experts at National Grid suggest the following ways to help you save on energy costs

1. Replace old major appliances, especially your refrigerator and air conditioner. The latest models are much more energy efficient.

2. Caulk or weatherstrip doors and windows to seal out heat-stealing drafts. Don't forget about air leaking through switch plates and electrical outlets.

3. Insulate your attic or roof space. Doing so can cut heating costs by up to 30%. Plus, it will keep your home warmer in the winter.

4. Have an insulation contractor inspect your home. If it needs more insulation, cellulose can be blown into the walls to cut down substantially on heating costs.

5. Wrap insulation around pipes in your basement and crawl space to avoid heat loss.

6. Move chairs and beds away from exterior walls. These are usually the coldest walls in the house.

7. Keep your windows clean. Dirty windows don't allow full sunlight in to warm your house.

8. Use ceiling fans. They force warm air down, so you can set your thermostat at a lower temperature.

9. Keep the damper closed when your fireplace is not in use. Hot air escapes quickly through the chimney.

10. Tape a sheet of aluminum foil (shiny side out) to the wall behind radiators. This will help to make them more efficient.

11. Keep radiators (and registers in a warm air system) clean and dust-free so heat flows freely.

12. Turn your radiator valves either completely on or off. Opening them partially does not regulate a radiator's heat output.

13. Don't put anything on top of a radiator to block its heat output except a ventilated cover. Never block radiators with drapes.

14. Turn down the temperature on your hot water heater to the warm setting (120°). You'll save energy and avoid scalding your hands.

15. Wrap your hot water heater with an insulating blanket to prevent heat loss.

16. Switch your appliances (refrigerator, dishwasher, washing machine and clothes dryer) to the energy-saving setting.

17. Install a clock thermostat, and set it to automatically drop to a lower temperature at night.

18. Install storm windows and doors to keep out drafts and help you save on heating costs.

19. Replace your 60-100 watt incandescent light bulbs (those you keep on the most) with compact fluorescent bulbs which use three-quarters less electricity.

20. Clean or replace filters in furnaces, air conditioners and heat pumps at the beginning of the summer and winter. This will permit a better air- flow throughout the house."
--National Grid | Energy Info & Tips

This will come in handy for people living in areas where the cold is driving utility bills up.