Driver's license model for gun control in the USA

The terrible news from Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. on Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 has sparked discussions on gun control laws in the USA all over again.

With that said, we should not jump into too much regulation or stay with the current almost-no-regulation stance.

I suggest we apply the same model for gun licenses as we do for driver's licenses.  Why? Because a car is considered a deadly weapon in some states as well.  Here's a simple breakdown of how it would happen.

1) Everyone applying for a gun license must show up at a government facility just like people already do to get a driver's license.

2) Everyone applying for a gun license must pass a written test just like people already do to get a driver's license.  Except in this case the test will include gun safety and a psychological test to determine the applicant's current state of mind.

3) Everyone applying for a gun license must pass a practical test just like people already do to get a driver's license.  The practical test should determine if the applicant can really handle a gun, shoot it, and is able to store it away safely as well.

4) Retesting should be done every two years or every year to make sure the state of mind of the person is within normal parameters.

5) People must be older than a certain age to use guns.

6) There can be different license categories for different types of weapons. 

If this system is applied to gun control it will also help law enforcement in catching criminals and potential mass-shooters.  How?

a) Police can arrest someone on-site if someone does not have a valid gun license while carrying a weapon.  Especially useful if guns are found in their home or anywhere else.  This will be excellent to combat gang violence.

b) Police can get a warrant if a parent or group of concerned citizens believes someone is storing guns without a valid license.

c) Police can add an applicant to a nationwide no-sell list to be sent to all gun stores if an applicant fails to pass a psychological test.  The applicant will remain in the no-sell list until the person seeks help.

d) Every time someone tries to buy a gun, they should show their license.  The license should be run through a nationwide system and the gun should be registered under the purchaser's name in a nationwide system.  If the gun stores try to sell guns without registering them then they can lose their license to sell.

I think all this makes sense, I hope you agree