Where most eating disorders and anxiety come from in Western countries

In Western countries, most eating disorders and anxiety come from watching TV and other commercial media. All of those things are engineered to send us subliminal messages in the form of SYMBOLISM. These messages are meant to cause feelings of inferiority and anxiety INSIDE OF US in order to turn us into mindless CONSUMERS. This is why clothes are put on models with exceptional bodies. This is why beautiful people are used to sell everything from cars to soda. It's all crafted to ALWAYS make us compare ourselves to these ideals and to make us think if we get these products we will be closer to these ideals as well.

At a conscious level it sounds too simple but it's in your subconscious where the damage is done in the form of ANTS - Automatic Negative Thoughts.  This article from the Daily Mail explains how ANTS are a destructive force in the mind.

"Even the most optimistic person is not immune to negative thoughts, but for some, the destructive chatter of self-doubt can be relentless"
If you care about your mental health and that of your family you should definitely cut back on TV or at least make the conscious effort to discuss and question these ads in order to diminish their power over your subconscious and that of your family's.