Democracy and Internet Under Constant Attack

First we had Anti-Net Neutrality bills.  Then came PIPA,  then came SOPA, now we have ACTA and afterward awaits TPP.  Who knows what their backups are even after that.  By looking at the pattern it is obvious this will not stop until whatever big money wants big money gets.  It has become very clear that despite the wide opposition in the general public of the US and the rest the world, laws keep trying to silence and control the internet.  The internet, the last bastion of truly free speech, is under attack for two main reasons:
  1. People are sharing with each other.  When people share with each other no one can make money out of them.
  2. People are sharing knowledge and information.  When people share knowledge and information it is very hard to control their perception, to tell them what they should hear, see and thus think.
Who exactly is trying to suppress the internet?  Simple, anyone who is bothered by (1) or (2) or both.  The usual suspects' names are out there if you look hard enough in THE INTERNET, surprise! surprise!

The New World Order you say??  Sure if you like big conspiracies.  But let's keep it simple, in the last couple of years we have come to realize Western democracies can be easily subverted by those with enough money to elect politicians to office.  In a way the attacks on the internet are a reflection on what's going on in general within Western democracies.  For example, Wall Street (banksters, CEOs, etc.) gets protection from the police when the Occupy Movement protesters became a bother for Wall Street.  This protection came along with huge undercover low-interest loans and tax breaks while behaving recklessly.  This lack of oversight and encouragement from the government has caused the collapse of the economy and is making everyone else, who are not part of Wall Street, suffer greatly.  What does this all mean??  Well it means we are no longer living in a democracy if someone with enough money can override everyone else's opinions and best interests

We always knew money was power, it's a well-known concept of the modern age.  But what happens when money takes over a government that was supposed to be elected democratically??  The elected officials were entrusted to keep everyone's interests in mind, not just the interests of the few who financed their election campaigns.   When a form of government is ruled by a few with money it is called a plutocracy.  So are we all going to become overt plutocracies or will we modify our systems of government so they can uphold democracy?  I think this year will be pivotal in this decision.