Controlling Perception

     I think many of us are familiar with the sketchy games YouTube plays with its view counts.  I usually let it go since I don't care if the gummi bear video got a lot of views or not but today is different.  Today I saw the video of a young veteran getting badly hurt during a peaceful rally.  It is being heavily viewed and commented on, his situation deserves respect and attention.  Thus here is my expose of what I have noticed for the video:

I would like to submit item A) The View Count, which shows something like 33K views.  You could say so yeah what of it?  Well if you click on the graph icon next to this view count you realize the view count is actually 400K.  Yet this video was uploaded a day ago.  During that time it hit points A (100K views), B (200K), C (300K), D (400K).  Then in item E we have no geographical data which is usually there and  obviously item F shows this video is being heavily discussed in the USA.  Technically speaking we have been lied to around 5 times in one day by this display.  It is not just I who realizes this.  There are past comments noticing a higher "like" count than the actual view count at the time those people watched the video.  You could say maybe YouTube is just working slowly, maybe it's just a glitch, bug, etc.  But if you do a search by the URL you will realize what the truth is, items G and H:

Yeah I am not letting this one go this time...