New Word: Doubtiness

Judging from the current political climate of the United States, I have determined the need for a new word.  The word is "doubtiness". It works the same as the word "truthiness" coined by Stephen Colbert but in reverse.

Doubtiness: Doubting something is true, no matter how much logic and proof is shown, because it just "feels" untrue.

Example: Birthers and Climate Change Deniers.

Earth: Planet in Denial

This is the captain's log, planetary date April 18th, Earth year 2011.

I am currently stuck in a planet with limited resources trying to convince two inhabitants their ancient technology is ruining the planet.  Although not all people in the planet think like they do.  Many of the scientists in the planet started sounding the alarm not too long ago but the reaction of these two locals as well as many more like them was to believe these scientists were lying to them without even knowing why.  Here is a summary of my exchange with the two inhabitants:

April 11:

I try convincing them by suggesting the two get into a room where the air will be slowly but surely consumed by their ancient technology until they are no longer able to survive.

One reacts by asking why am I talking about the ancient technology instead of just referring to one of the pollutants produced by it, a gas called CO2.  He also complains why I have to use death as an example.  The other reacts by saying the planet doesn't work that way and worries about money being taxed out of him to fix this issue.

April 12-14:

I try to explain my position better after proposing my simple experiment.  They continue to argue without offering any countering experiment or scientific data.  One of them seems hurt I accused him of supporting indiscriminate bombing of civilians in another conversation.  It is the only conclusion I could arrive to since the military alliance he supports is unable to tell who exactly they are bombing in a certain part of the planet.

April 14, late night:

I try providing them with more easily understood scientific facts about the heat-trapping effects of CO2.  I present them with the video recording of an experiment done in a lab by one of their scientists. I also point out the high-temperature of the CO2-rich atmosphere of the planet Venus, also recorded by their scientists.  Then I give them photographic evidence of the pollution their ancient technology produces above their major cities.

April 15:

They continue to disagree with what I told them. Still they provide no scientific experiment or scientific basis for their disagreement.  I try mocking them out of their emotionally-driven responses.  That only makes matters worse but at least one produces a scientific article of Venus, not realizing the article agrees with my previous statements about CO2.  He pretends this did not happen and continues to argue.  The other one sends me a bunch of links to the website without offering a summary of his understanding in any of each.  He assumes I have to watch them all without him doing the work of putting sentences together in a coherent summary of his views. They both continue to stall the debate by saying they are working or socializing.  I point out if they had thought about this in depth already their answers should be fast and precise.  They refuse to admit to this and continue to argue and stall.

April 18:

One of them tries producing a well-thought-out statement of why Venus conditions could never happen on Earth.  He states there is not enough oxygen to produce an atmosphere made up of 95% CO2 as in Venus.  He proudly says we would run out of oxygen before we achieve a Venus-like atmosphere. He then proceeds to pat himself in the back and calls me "intellectually lazy".  I point out we would all be dead if it gets to the point of no oxygen.  I also point out we would not need to get as hot as Venus to suffer, only just above 40°C (104°F) to die from hyperthermia.  I repeated once more that polluted air, even without CO2, will slowly kill us all.   I really had to mock him about this.  I grow weary of their adamant position and realize they are emotionally driven so I have no way of changing their minds, no matter how many facts I give them.  They will have to suffer the consequences of their ancient technology in person only that will change their minds.  The only problem is I will have to suffer with them :-(