Broken Democracy: US Government Continues 3 Wars While 16 Million Kids Are Homeless

     There are now 16 million children trying to live as best as they can in homelessness and poverty in the United States of America.  CBS 60 minutes reports on this unfortunate trend:

Why are these kids not the top priority of the US government? It is said children are the future of a nation so why is the government not in line with this important human belief?

We find the US government will spend "$671.5 billion in base and overseas contingency operation funding for fiscal year 2011. The base budget is $513.6 billion, which represents a $2.13 billion reduction to H.R. 1. The defense bill also contains $157.8 billion for overseas contingency operations (OCO), the same amount as the House passed bill and as requested by the President." Those amounts are directly quoted from the Department of Defense Appropriations Act. This act is currently financing three wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Libya.  Besides those war expenses, this act provides billions of dollars for foreign allies around the world while nothing is spent on helping these US children improve their condition.

Why is this happening?  According to this presentation from , the irrational priorities of the US government come from the way the US democracy has been modified to serve special interests: explains the US democracy has been hijacked by corporations who do not care about the welfare of citizens but instead favor profit above all else.  This is sadly illustrated by the report on "60 Minutes" showing one of the main things neglected by this new setup: The welfare of children.

How to convince the US population to invade a country

     By now many in the US have realized the enormous influence the industrial-military complex has in government.  This was made clear when massive amounts of money were spent on US companies working in Iraq.  President Dwight Eisenhower once warned Americans about this in his farewell address:

Currently they seem to have many tactics to push their agenda into the mind of the average American.  Why do they need consent from the US population?  It is the taxpayers who will take the hit physically, by sending young people to war, and economically, by financing the war.  Here is part of the list which has become very obvious since they already used it to justify the invasion of Iraq:

1)  Appeal to the US population's conscience for help with the objective

The first time the appeal was directed at stopping a dictator in Iraq from killing a group:,8599,391985,00.html

Now we have the same appeal directed at stopping a dictator in Libya from killing another group:

Yet there was no fast, hard talk of intervention for other humanitarian crises. For example an African humanitarian crisis:

Is this a coincidence?

2) Bombard the US population with broadcasts about the objective

News are filled with repeating images from Libya, while other similar situations like large protests and people getting killed in Iraq during the protests by their own government are totally ignored on TV:

Is this a coincidence?

3) Remind the US population of 911 and associate it with the objective

911 was used has an excuse to invade Iraq even though later it was proven there were no links between Iraq and 911:

Now the public can see on TV a strangely timed release of "new footage" from 911 just as talk of military intervention is being passed around in the news:

Along with official statements linking this other dictator to another terrorist attack:

Is this a coincidence?

4) Affect the US population economically to increase their resentment towards the objective

News broadcasts repeat over and over again the alleged relationship between the rise in gas prices and the objective.  Yet quoting the US Energy Information Administration the major sources of oil for the US are:

Total Imports of Petroleum (Top 15 Countries)
(Thousand Barrels per Day)
Country Dec-10 Nov-10 YTD 2010 Dec-09 YTD 2009


The objective is not even mentioned in this list, thus quantity wise it should not be significant.  So why have gas prices risen so sharply?

Is this a coincidence?

5) Cumulative use of propaganda techniques on the US population

The previous four items buy consent from the average American by combining well-known propaganda techniques:

Ad nauseam (An idea that is repeated enough times may begin to be taken as the truth) on TV.

Appeal to authority (Appeals to authority cite prominent figures to support a position, idea, argument, or course of action).

Appeal to fear (Appeals to fear seek to build support by instilling anxieties and panic in the general population).
Appeal to prejudice (Using loaded or emotive terms to attach value or moral goodness to believing the proposition).

Demonizing the enemy (Making individuals from the opposing nation appear to be subhuman through accusations).